HASG is no longer operational and the material contained within this site is no longer being maintained, you are, therefore, advised to exercise some due diligence before referencing or acting on any of that material. In the meantime, HfL are happy to engage with any who might be interested in becoming a governor or who have governance concerns. Click X to close this notice.

Training Times – Anniversary Competition

Training Times 1st Aniversary EditionTraining Times – Anniversary Competition

The first anniversary edition of Training Times published by Herts for Learning  arrives in Hertfordshire schools during w/c  20th April 2015 and can be viewed online through the following link http://bit.ly/TT-AprMay15 or clicking the picture.

To gauge how useful you have found the paper in its first year and to hear governors’ and teachers’ suggestions for improvement, HfL have created a short online survey suitable for all school staff to complete.

Anniversary-Competition-QR-CodeThe survey can be found by clicking the link http://bit.ly/TT-Survey2015, or scanning the QR code.

HfL is giving away a bumper hamper of goodies for one randomly selected entering school – the winner will be announced in June. No limitations on entries per school. Link to survey also found on front page of this edition.

This edition also includes:

  • teacher recruitment  – the HfL recruitment fair and what’s next,
  • new online resources added to subscription service,
  • Parent2Parent ® – how can you help your parents in supporting their child’s learning?
  • the Early Years reception baseline,
  • news from primary and secondary schools across the county.

Extra copies or feedback?

If your chair of governors would like to receive extra copies for the governing body please get in touch. We welcome any feedback or content suggestions for future editions.

Please contact our journalist Jessica Broadbent at jessica.broadbent@nullhertsforlearning.co.uk with your feedback or if you would like your school to be included.