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FrontFoot News – September 2016 Pt2

Front FootFrontFoot News – September 2016 Pt2

These FrontFoot news updates cover a range of educational areas of interest including matters of policy and research.  This report includes studies on the impact of Grammar Schools and Academies.  Click the links below to go to specific categories of interest; when there, the headings link to the full article.


DfE guidance: Progress 8 school performance measure in 2016, 2017 and 2018

23 September 2016     Information for schools about the Progress 8 measure DfE introduced in 2016, and terms and conditions for schools that opted in from 2015.  Updated: Added further detail on how to calculate fine levels in Annex C.

DfE guidance: Searching, screening and confiscation at school

23 September 2016   Guidance explaining the powers schools have to screen and search pupils, and to confiscate items they find.  Updated: Added link on p.13 to the UK Council for Child Internet Safety’s advice on responding to ‘Sexting in schools and colleges’.

DfE guidance: Handling strike action in schools

20 September 2016   Guidance on what to do when school staff go on strike.  Updated: This guidance has been revised to refer to current regulations and advice.

Research & Good Practice

Education Policy Institute report: Grammar schools and social mobility

23 September 2016   The Education Policy Institute has published new, rigorous data analysis and evidence to inform the debate on selective schools. This is the most detailed study of Government education data on selective schools for almost a decade.

In relation to this Schools Week has reported on the 7 key findings of the report.

Education Policy Institute report: Analysis of effect of the post-2010 sponsored academies

7 September 2016    The analysis, completed in partnership with the LSE, looks at the performance of 205 academies approved to be sponsored after May 2010 and which converted before 2014.  They are compared to a control group of 49 sponsored academies that opened after this period.

IPPR report: transitions at 14 – Analysing the intake of 14 – 19 education institutions

16 September 2016    This report considers the characteristics and pupil intakes of university technical colleges, studio schools, 14-19 free schools and other new types of schools, and how they fit into the broader education system.