A link governor for governor recruitment
Whilst it is the responsibility of the whole governing body to actively support the recruitment of new governors, there can be advantages in appointing a member(s) of the governing body to lead and co-ordinate governor recruitment. This can include:
- Regular reporting to the governing body on vacancies and recruitment
- Succession planning – identifying when governors’ terms of office are due to end and checking with them if they plan to offer their services to continue on the Board or not
- Co-ordinating a skills analysis to identify existing skills in the governing body and the skills to be looked for when recruiting new governors
- Promoting opportunities to join the Governing Body.
There can be benefits in joining this role with the Governor Development Co-ordinator role so that the same individual leads on:
- Co-ordinating training for governors and the governing body
- Co-ordinating the ‘Welcome Pack’ and induction for new governors.