Outstanding Governors Award 2014

In association with Herts for LearningNew Annual Outstanding Governors Awards

At the annual conference in November HASG announced the Outstanding School Governor Awards 2014, sponsored by the Hertfordshire Association of School Governors, and organised in association with Herts for Learning.

We aim to celebrate outstanding and distinguished service by school governors in Hertfordshire. The winners of the first awards will be announced at the Hertfordshire Governors’ Annual Conference in November 2014.

Nominations Closing date: Friday 23rd May 2014


Awards & Prizes

  • Each winning governor (total of three) to be awarded a £50 cash prize
  • Prizes of £500 – to be awarded to the schools of the three winning governors, as given on the nomination form. The £500 is to be spent so it directly benefits the students; it is not to be spent on teaching or teachers and we would like the money to be spent on something the school hasn’t already budgeted for.
  • All nominators will be put into a prize drawn and three will be drawn at random and be awarded a £25 cash prize.


The half-day conference previously announced for May 10th 2014 is no longer taking place, our regular Forums, though, will still provide you with lots of networking and idea sharing opportunities.

School improvement strategy launch – rearranged date

calendarGovernors may be aware that it had been planned to launch the above strategy at a meeting this Thursday (3rd April).  If you had planned attending this meeting can you please note that the date has changed so please remove 3rd April 2pm from your diary

In order to enable as many schools as possible to take part in the discussions about implementing Hertfordshire’s new school improvement strategy, the date of the launch will be rearranged for early in the Summer Term.

Governors will have the opportunity to learn about the strategy at the Hertfordshire Governors’ Forum meeting on Thursday 15th May at 7pm, details of which are now online.  The Forum will take place in the Hertfordshire Development Centre, Stevenage and will be relayed interactively to other locations.

In the meantime, two hard copies of the strategy will be sent to all schools early next term will be available on line at the end of this term. Hard copies will also be sent to schools next term.

School governing – 2014 Research Questionnaire

Prof. Chris James' Research Questionnaire
Professor Chris James

Research Questionnaire

Professor Chris James, University of Bath, is undertaking research into the state of school governing.

Six years ago, he surveyed school governors in England to find out about the state of school governing but now there have been a number of changes to the education landscape many of which have affected the important work school governors undertake.  The survey is being undertaken in partnership  with the National Governors Association.  Of course other organisations with an interest in school governing are supporting the survey — ASCL, the Education and Employers Taskforce, the CBI, National Co-ordinators of Governor Services, and Governors for Schools (SGOSS), and HASG will be looking closely at the results.

All governors are invited to complete the research questionnaire.  It is available here until 14th April: https://www.survey.bath.ac.uk/schoolgovs.    All your responses to the research questionnaire will be completely confidential.

A  report of the survey findings will be available on the National Governors Association website –http://www.nga.org.uk/ – in mid-May 2014.

Herts Coach Education Week 2014

Herts Coach Education Week 2014
Herts Coach Education 2014Herts Coach Education Week 2014 sees the launch of the Herts Sports Science Programme.  Rob Hardwick, Coaching Development Manager with Herts Sports Partnership, commented:

Increasingly, sports science is used by top level coaches to achieve the best results possible.

We’re delighted to be launching our sports science programme during Coach Education Week. These short workshops will help coaches to understand how they can get the best out of their athletes and teams.

There’ll be more workshops running through the year, offering coaches a real opportunity to raise their awareness of sports science.

Running 15th to 22nd February this event offers 70 courses in 20 sports for up to 1,500 coaches, teachers & students looking to develop their coaching qualifications & leadership skills.

To find out more please click this link.


Welcome to our new-look website

website under constructionWe hope you enjoy our new-look website.  It should help us keep you more up to date in a user-friendly way but, as with all things new, it may take a little while to get used to it – please do bear with us.  Also please be aware that the site remains under construction and review for the next few days at least.