Little Has Changed

VoiceLittle Has Changed

In an interesting blog article Richard Fraser argues that little has changed in education since 2001 starting by saying:

In 2001, a certain Theresa May MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Education, addressed the PAT [now Voice] Annual Conference in Cardiff.

Her speech reveals how little has changed in education since then: teachers working excessive hours, performance-related pay, SATs, admissions….

Interestingly, some of Mrs May’s criticisms of the Labour Government’s education policies have been made by politicians, unions and practitioners about the current Conservative Government and its Coalition predecessor.

The following Briefing from The School Bus is also worth a read: Continue reading “Little Has Changed”

Parent Governors

Parent Governors?

Kathy Dunnett, a former member of HASG Executive and National Leader of Governance, recently wrote to Stephen McPartland, Stevenage MP, expressing concern specifically about the lack of parent representation in future governing boards.  She alerted him to the June meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group Continue reading “Parent Governors”

Involving MPs in School Governance

Involving MPs in School Governance

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Education Governance and Leadership will meet next Tuesday, June 7th, in the House of Commons, Committee Room 5 from 17:30-19:00.  This is an important forum for parliamentarians to discuss the key issues affecting school governance.  Governors, trustees and clerks need to encourage their MPs to get involved in this group. Continue reading “Involving MPs in School Governance”

Newsbites – Childcare, Excellence & Budget

Newsbites – Childcare, Excellence & Budget


Click the headings for the full article/briefing document.

DfE news story: Tax-Free Childcare – 10 things parents should know (updated)

18 March, 2016

Top ten things to know about the new Tax-Free Childcare scheme. Updated to reflect change to who is eligible – parents of the youngest children will now Continue reading “Newsbites – Childcare, Excellence & Budget”

Newsbites – DfE, School’s Week, Speeches

Newsbites – DfE, School’s Week, Speeches

Click on the headings for the individual stories:

DfE press release: Teacher workload: new measures announced

Education Secretary pledges more support to reduce teacher workload during landmark speech at NASUWT conference.

Schools Week: The ‘Workload Principles’: A one-page guide to the most useful parts of the workload reports

Schools Weeks summarises Continue reading “Newsbites – DfE, School’s Week, Speeches”