Seven Point Strategy for Recruitment

A Seven Point Strategy for Recruitment

Often governing bodies rely on one or two main ways of attracting governors – for example, the school newsletter or personal contacts of governors. Whilst these can be useful, this does restrict the potential number of people who may read or hear about the opportunity to become a governor.

Governing bodies are therefore encouraged to use as many means as possible to recruit. The following are seven key audiences – and note that the way the key message is given out varies according to the needs of the audience.

1.        The School Community

As part of the regular communication with parents and other stakeholders, this can include:

  • School newsletter
  • Open evenings (a governor display stand/enquiry table)
  • School events
  • New parents evenings
  • School noticeboard – a sample poster is included in the Conference pack with this booklet.

Key messages:

  • How you can make an impact for your school
  • Nowis the time and the opportunity to help your school

2.        Local Employers and Employers Networks

Develop an agreed approach with the school leaders to identify the key contacts in local employers’ HR departments and local employers’ support networks such as Chamber of Commerce and Businesslink. By using both school and governors’ contacts, you are better placed to find out who the key contacts in local employers are. Then invite them to the school to meet key members of the governing body and school leadership and explore how this can be promoted to their staff for the benefit of their organisation and the school.

Key messages:

Promoting school governorships to their staff is:

  • A way in which to raise their organisation’s profilein the local community
  • An opportunity for continuing professional developmentandenhancing the skills and experience of their staff by  voluntary work outside their organisation

3.        Local Voluntary Sector Support Networks

Several district areas have co-ordinators who help support voluntary sector organisations in many ways including advertising opportunities for volunteers. Does your town or area have one? If so do they realise that governors are volunteers and that your governing body may have a vacancy?

Key messages:

  • An opportunity exists for volunteers
  • Support your local community


4.        Advertise for free in Local Community Venues

Many local community venues such as libraries, sports centres, district council offices, town halls, churches, GP surgeries allow public sector and volunteer groups to advertise either in their magazines or on the notice boards.

Key messages:

  • An opportunity exists for volunteers
  • Support your local community

5.        Local Press

Local press are usually keen to report ‘human interest’ stories such as the recognition of a long-standing governor’s service to a school. As well as being a good opportunity to thank them for their service to the school, organising an event to mark their service (for example,  ten years’ service  or when they retire from the Governing Body), this also provides a  good public relations opportunity for the school. Organise a photograph of the occasion and issue a press release.

Key messages:

  • Recognition of the governor’s commitment and contribution
  • Opportunities exist for others who may be interested – ensure the press release includes contact details for them to find out more

6.        National Sources of Help

There are 2 national organisations that offer free help

7.        Hertfordshire Sources of Help

  • Herts for Learning Governance Team – have a range of support material including the posters and leaflets.
  • The course ‘Succession Planning for School Leadership’ will also support the recruitment of School Governors.