Headteacher & Governor Briefing – 8th March 2018

Herts for Learning Headteacher & Governor Briefing – 8th March 2018

This most recent Briefing took place on Thursday 8th March 2018 at the Beales Hotel, Hatfield.  These briefings have previously been delivered by Marcus Cooper but as some of you may know Marcus has now left the Local Authority.  The Hertfordshire Headteacher Updates will continue under the steer of Debra Massey (Headteacher at Howe Dell) for the Autumn and Spring terms.

The Briefing addressed the following: Continue reading “Headteacher & Governor Briefing – 8th March 2018”

Autumn 2017 Heads & Governors’ Update

Autumn 2017 Heads & Governors’ Update

The Autumn 2017 Heads & Governors’ Update takes place on Tuesday 21st November, at Beales Hotel in Hatfield, from 6.00pm to 8.00pm.  These updates provide:

  • a direct information stream from Hertfordshire County Council to school leaders and governors.
  • a regular update on current DfE and Ofsted initiatives alongside local and national priorities.
  • important information which is relevant to all schools and academies, regardless of their phase or status.
  • high quality executive summaries of key information, with appropriate follow up materials clearly identified and sign-posted.

The Agenda Continue reading “Autumn 2017 Heads & Governors’ Update”

HASG Summer Update 2017

HASG Summer Update 2017

As previously advertised, the Summer Update for Heads and Governors, which was arranged by the HASG, took place on 21st June.  The briefing covered several topics and was lead by Marcus Cooper the Senior Education Manager in Hertfordshire. (Who we learned  was moving on to pastures new at the end of term).

Marcus gave us updates from the Herts perspective covering Ofsted the DfE and Safeguarding. Debbie Orton, the Head of Integrated Service for Learning, also took a slot to talk about the ISL reorganisation.  You can download the presentations by clicking the following link:

One item covered was the division of responsibilities between HCC and HfL; the following booklet might be of use in understanding the distinctions:

Headteacher & Governor Briefing – 21st June 2017

Headteacher & Governor Briefing – 21st June 2017

Representatives from Governing bodies are invited to attend the next Headteacher & Governor briefing.

You may be aware that in early 2016 we held the first joint Headteacher & Governor briefing.  Marcus Cooper, and his team, hold regular Headteacher updates and we have worked in conjunction with them to deliver one additional briefing aimed specifically at school governors.

Please feel free to join us on Wednesday 21st June 2017 at 6.00pm, at Continue reading “Headteacher & Governor Briefing – 21st June 2017”

‘Hertfordshire Governor’ – Summer Edition

Herts Governor Summer Edition Issue 79‘Hertfordshire Governor’ – Summer Edition

The summer edition of Hertfordshire Governor published by Herts for Learning (HfL) is now on-line and can be accessed online by logging on at www.hertsdirect.org/governors (select ‘Hertfordshire Governor – current issue’ under ‘Signpost’ at the foot of the page) or click the picture.

The Introduction:

Message from Governance

Dear Governors

As we enter into the summer term and head towards the end of the 2014/15 academic year it is a good time to reflect on the work carried out this year and the impact it has had on the progress and attainment of pupils.  The pace is fast so we are very often only looking forward and thinking what needs to be done next, however as the academic year comes to an end it is important that you celebrate past success as well as identifying key actions for addressing in the future.

This term we have received feedback on an eSafety focus during recent Ofsted inspections within primary schools and academies, with governors knowledge being put to the test.  Our eSafety Adviser has provided a useful summary for governors which you can find in the News section.  Have a go at answering the questions included in the article and if you don’t know the answer that’s an action after Easter.

Also in the News section we have included a Health & Safety update on abestos.  This is particulary relevant as we head towards the summer holiday season and many large building projects are planned in schools/academies.

We are also pleased to inform you of our forthcoming Governor Recruitment Roadshow supported and sponsored by Governance Team, Hertfordshire Association of School Governors (HASG), and School Governors’ One Stop Shop (SGOSS). Do you have vacancies on your governing body? If so, why not come along and help to recruit new governors and promote the role of governance in schools and academies –  raise the profile of governors and give it  the status it deserves!

The edition includes

  • Governor Recruitment: Details of forthcoming ‘Governor Recruitment Roadshows’.
  • eSafety (tips from the eSafety Adviser following feedback from recent Ofsted inspections).
  • Health & Safety update ahead of building projects over the summer: Managing asbestos in your School.
  • Summary of changes to recently updated DfE statutory guidance – ‘Keeping children safe in education’ and ‘Working together to safeguard children’.
  • Changes to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme.

Contact Cathy Irons Cathy.Irons@nullHertsforlearning.co.uk of the HfL Governance Unit for any questions or if you would wish to contribute to a future on-line edition.